As I was writing my last post… I finally got my answer of where I want this blog to go, nowhere. I was reminded of one my first posts when the blog became self-hosted, “Five Reasons I Blog” 4. I like writing. I don’t know when this happened but I like writing my thoughts down. […]
Sorry for being AWOL so long. Lots has happened since the last post, finished the hardest semester I will ever have, had the best work experience to date, was able to spend Christmas with my parents for the first time in 5 years. I was also able to go over seas to Rome with friends […]
I’ve been back in the States since Thursday. Sadly I was not able to work in in Boston because of some problem between the recording studio and the band I was suppose to record. In light of that I decided to take the train into New York and just have an impromptu trip on Friday. […]
On my way back from Pamplona last night, a few things got me thinking. I had a long conversation with Claudia, which I would have rather done face to face. It was hard but it had to be done. It was one of those, ‘Where is this going’ conversation which will take a lot more […]
I apologize for my lack of writing these past few weeks. I’ve been somewhat pre-occupied with the festivities of Claudia’s 21st birthday and getting out to Spain for work. There’s really not much to say of what I’ve been doing the past few weeks other than celebrating Claudia’s 21st birth and getting to Spain for […]
This was hand written through out five days. It expresses my feelings, emotions and my brokenness through out my encounter in Madrid. It is written in chronological order and some of it will not make sense to you but it will for me. I will try to be as clear as can be. Day One- […]
I’m short on time, so I’ll be brief. Spain is amazing, I had been here before but that was like ten years ago. I love my cousins, they’re amazing. I love that I was forced to speak Spanish, and now I have a very Spaniard accent, at least for a day or two. I really […]
During the past few day my mind has been doing overtime. It seems like I can’t stop thinking, and so much stuff is happening. This weekend I will try to relax as much as I can because next week will be hectic, for one Final Cut Auditions will be taking a lot of my time. […]
In the last few days I have getting a lot of flak because my “relationship” with Laura. Mainly people are looking down at me because I’m a Junior involved with a Freshman; it sounds worst than it really is. She’s 18 and very mature for her age and then other reason is that we are […]
I have a few people that love me, cherish me and that want to see me succeed in life. One of those people is my aunts husband, Mike, which has been a great motivator for the past few years of my life and what not. But I rarely get to see him due to my […]