Random Thoughts


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Sorry for being AWOL so long.

Lots has happened since the last post, finished the hardest semester I will ever have, had the best work experience to date, was able to spend Christmas with my parents for the first time in 5 years. I was also able to go over seas to Rome with friends to say good bye to year and celebrate the new year.

Since then I’ve been trying to get back into the groove of my schedule which in not as flexible as I wish it would have been but I’ll live.

A few days ago I decide that I am going to start accepting things and stop being hung up on them. Having a more positive, yet still being realistic, attitude. There really isn’t anything that might keep me from this goal. But if past experience has taught me anything this is not going to be as easy as it said to be. I will have to work at being happy and not let little things bring me down.

The last few days that I have been doing this people have noticed and it seems like a good type of change. I am not without fault and there is many more aspect in which I need to improve, hopefully in this year I will become a better person, slowly but surely.

I have also been working on a revision for site, but it still has a few bugs here and there. I will also implement Openid login, seeing that its gaining a lot support. I might even throw in a few surprises here and there.

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