Random Thoughts

Things Are Winding Down

Things are finally going to be settling down, well as much as one can expect. I am still here in Palo Alto and it seems like I’m going to be here until Wednesday at the latest. Which is a good thing seeing that I have to get back to LA pack all my crap and […]

The End is Near

I can’t believe that another semester is coming to an end. Time is just flying by. I’ve notice that I have a Clark Kent Syndrome. Let me elaborate, I would like to be with someone, but I am not always completely truthful because there are aspects of my life that I don’t want anyone to […]

Things happen

So It officially Spring break for me and I will spending a lot of this time with two of my favorite passions, sleeping and recording. So life has been a tad more difficult than usual, I had a choir concert on thursday night until 10 pm and then to pull an all nighter for a […]

To Recap

Sorry I haven’t written in a while but life of a music major is rough, especially when you’re a fake one one at that, add that I work here and there and I have 3 year-old. But things are great. I am doing well. Sold three songs this month to buy food and water. Had […]

Two and a Half Year Plan

I have been thinking about the future for a while now and it seems that I will only be in school two more years…. well if I don’t go to grad school for conducting or piano. I’m still doing music for those who read this and care but it will becoming my minor and majoring […]

Why Can’t I Sleep?

I don’t know what it is? is it because I miss NYC? Is it because I am have regrets of being back at APU? But for some odd reason I cannot, for the life of me, go to sleep before 2 am. I need to sleep. I have tons of classes and am in two […]

Times are Changing

I know its late but I can’t sleep. I have just been chilling this entire weekend. There was little homework and I have already learned most of my new music for men’s choral. I was every impressed with myself that I am able to sight read most of it and it sounds pretty decent. But […]


So last I said I was going to attend Full-Sail this year and have a great life in Miami and whatnot but things have changed. ON Friday a friend picked me up and took me straight to the LA Car Show and I wasn’t able to get back to school until Sunday to move out […]

Ugghh.. Why Does This Happen?

As most you of know, I am a music major here at this great institution of higher learning but what some of you might not know is that I have no musical background what so ever. I have been mixing for a five years and know what things should sound like, its like a gut […]

Sleep Deprivation is Bad

I have been awake now for about 60 hrs now. I pulled an all nighter for the midterm for Music Business and then forgot I had an audio project for Music tech due today so last night I went “party crashing” and just did nothing basically, so I had to spend all night working on […]