Random Thoughts


Sorry for being AWOL so long. Lots has happened since the last post, finished the hardest semester I will ever have, had the best work experience to date, was able to spend Christmas with my parents for the first time in 5 years. I was also able to go over seas to Rome with friends […]

Discontent Part II

As the week has progressed I am constently reminded that I am not completely satisfied with have I have, or with what I’m doing. So in the effort of making my life better, I’m just going to start cutting people out of my life. I really try to keep a low profile around school mainly […]


Sorry for the lack of writing. I do it enough for classes that I haven’t had the time to do for pleasure. Since the last time I wrote there a few things that have changed. For one, classes are in full effect and I’ve done better this year to keep on top of my classes […]

Intense Dream

Last night I got home fairly late, you know hanging out with people before the school year starts. I tried getting some sleep as soon as I got home but I couldn’t. So about I time I finally fell asleep is was about a quarter to three. Then I dreamt, it was almost lucid though. […]


There have been recent events that have just turn my life around a complete 180 degrees. I know that, ‘When it Rains, it Pours,’ but this way beyond that, beyond opening the flood gates. This was an entire Deluge (think: Great Flood; Noah’s Ark) upon my plans for the next few weeks. I don’t want […]

Job 27

1 -6 Having waited for Zophar, Job now resumed his defense: “God-Alive! He’s denied me justice! God Almighty! He’s ruined my life! But for as long as I draw breath, and for as long as God breathes life into me, I refuse to say one word that isn’t true. I refuse to confess to any […]


I’ve been back in the States since Thursday. Sadly I was not able to work in in Boston because of some problem between the recording studio and the band I was suppose to record. In light of that I decided to take the train into New York and just have an impromptu trip on Friday. […]

Sleepless Night

On my way back from Pamplona last night, a few things got me thinking. I had a long conversation with Claudia, which I would have rather done face to face. It was hard but it had to be done. It was one of those, ‘Where is this going’ conversation which will take a lot more […]

So Far in Madrid

I apologize for my lack of writing these past few weeks. I’ve been somewhat pre-occupied with the festivities of Claudia’s 21st birthday and getting out to Spain for work. There’s really not much to say of what I’ve been doing the past few weeks other than celebrating Claudia’s 21st birth and getting to Spain for […]


Things in life are difficult but one needs to overcome obstacles to achieve. Right now I’m a bit sadden and concerned. Escrow is still on hold while my father and I re-negotiate a new fair price for the loft due to the corrosion of the pipes. Another thing that has come hard not only to […]