During the past few day my mind has been doing overtime. It seems like I can’t stop thinking, and so much stuff is happening. This weekend I will try to relax as much as I can because next week will be hectic, for one Final Cut Auditions will be taking a lot of my time. […]
I have a few people that love me, cherish me and that want to see me succeed in life. One of those people is my aunts husband, Mike, which has been a great motivator for the past few years of my life and what not. But I rarely get to see him due to my […]
At the end of the summer I said I was going to try to write some blogs so you guys can get a clue of what is going on in my life. While I have failed miserably, there are reasons why I haven’t had time to write. At this time, I am very serious of […]
School has been a mess this semester. It is the hardest thing I have ever done, but I’m not complaining because things like this built character. As you may know, I did not make the third choir I auditioned for because of various reasons, one of those what I was I need to improve my […]