Sorry I haven’t written, life is kind of a mess right now. I will briefly talk about what is going on my life. Last Friday, Men’s Chorale was cancelled so I was able to go go home for the weekend and this was primarily two fold; 1) I need to take care of some business […]
I have recently been thinking about almost everything. Past lives, old choices, and new adventures. This past weekend I was able to just leave everything and just go to the beach and look at what beauty God has created for us. I contemplated my relationship with parents, basically my family. Today, even reconnected with my […]
There was an power outage today in the area I live, so I just had time to read and really just gather my thoughts on my life. I just needed the quite time to go over things that have been plaguing me for while. Seeing that all forms of electronics where off, I…. I just […]
After two weeks in Boston I came back home today. While I was there I reflected on life, finances, friends, my spirituality, and various aspects of my career and choices I have made through out the year. During the time there I was able to visit one of the greatest schools of music in the […]