A Little Catch up
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Sorry I haven’t written, life is kind of a mess right now. I will briefly talk about what is going on my life. Last Friday, Men’s Chorale was cancelled so I was able to go go home for the weekend and this was primarily two fold; 1) I need to take care of some business entailing work for this summer and 2) Claudia had been on my case and wondering when we would go out for ‘coffee’.
Saturday was basically hang out with Claudia and we talk about how we have changed so much in the last year and a half and how we are now both on the same page and whatnot. Not to bore you with the details, we are currently dating. Sunday, I had a Men’s Chorale Concert from 3 to around 9 then i had to do theory homework, work a few mix downs, and start working on ‘contracts’ for the concert I will be putting on in late April at my school. During that exact time I should had been in a study section for Baroque Music. Luckily I was able to get the notes for a friend and cram a month and a half worth of Baroque in about 9 hours.
Monday came around and it actually seemed like the longest day ever. I went to classes, while fasting (side note: My walk with God is not as good as it should be therefore I am trying to become closer to Him and letting Him guide my career, seeing that I want to break into new Music Market such as Seattle and Boston), then went out with great people for dinner. After that some of my friends wanted to go see the St. John’s Choir from Germany with the Chris Walden Big Band…. to say the least, everyone I talked to feel asleep. Today was different, I went to my voice lesson, something I’m not a fan of, and I was, on pitch. It was a good lesson then all my classes where good. But what just took the cake today, is the great recording session my Audio Recording 2 class had at our neighboring college, Citrus College. We recorded a song from a great guy named, Scott Ryan. It was a very big learning experience for most of them, as most of them haven’t done any studio recording and the learning curve is pretty high.
As you can see I have a lot to do, this involves my personal life, my social life, my school work and work in general, but you know what? I love it. I must confess that I would be happier if I didn’t have to take theory or voice lessons but I have grown as an Audio Engineer through these classes. My ear has gotten better and when I am with a singer I know exactly what to say or show them what to do to get the sound I am looking for. I enjoy the people I have met here but I am only here for an education but that does not automatically mean that I will break into the Music Industry. One of my professors, Mike Lee, just wrote a blog and it just spoke to me. It reaffirmed what I am already doing. Yes, I am at a great institution of higher learning trying to get a B.A. in Commercial Music with an Emphasis in Audio Engineering and Music Business. In the industry that means squat.
I luckily started early at a church and love what I do. I seriously believe that if I didn’t have bills to pay or pay for school out of my pocket I would just record, mix and master for free. Heck, I do it for people here at school. I just thank God that He gave me this talent, this ability to be able to hear an unfinished song or a rough mix and create something beautiful. I do it because I love it, music is my life, I may not be able to sing well or play an instrument but I can set up and tear down, I can mic an entire recording session, I talk to the artist and try to understand what they want to convey with their song so I mix it to the style of what hey want to say, but I also enjoy have the creative license of just taking something and making it a part of me. I thank those who have encouraged me and have help develop my ear, mixing abilities, my production techniques and have kept me in their prayers.
I do not aspire to be a Grammy Award Winning Audio Engineer (It wouldn’t be a bad thing if I were) but I aspire to help those that want to create song with meaning and a story. I want to be happy and that everything I do is in remembrance of God. May I not forget that I was once lost and God found me and gave me this gift for His purpose and I shall do His will.
Soli Deo Glori (To Him be the Gloria)
Jesu, Juva (Jesus Helped)
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