Random Thoughts


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For the last few weeks I have been struggling with all my music, classes, social life, and work. But recently everything has just been falling into place. Since last Friday things just seems easier, I am able to retain so much more from classes and get so much more done in the the same time. I was even able to see various people today that I hadn’t seen in quite a while. People started to ask me if I was on something because I am so cheerful but I think that this is here to stay and for the most part I like seeing everything on its upside.

We had our opening concert for Men’s Chorale on Sunday and there was huge turnout, around 450 people and it was just so liberating to see that this hurdle was finally over.

It was an amazing time on Tuesday from 10 to 11, I practiced everything I need to practice and then had a great vocal lesson. Everything just got better from that. I went to the Symphonic Concert and I want to play the triangle just so I can be in the Orchestra. I might even get LA Philharmonic tickets because I enjoyed it so much.

Wednesday night, Larry Carlton played at our School for free it was amazing so many people where there even before the concert was set to start.

Thursday was a regular thursday but still awesome and then finally yesterday was different. On Friday our school received a bomb threat at the beginning of chapel (9:40 am). So all classes where cancel which I was thankful seeing that I had a very horrible sinus infection, but still didn’t know what to do with all the free time. So, I spend some of it holding down the fort with fellow music majors, but as the medicine wore off I started to head home to sleep off the sick …. and for the most part it has worked and now I need to hit the books and practice rooms tomorrow.

Well I guess Until Next Time….

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