A Few Steps Back
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This weekend I had planned to go to Apple Valley to see some friends at the Senior Pastor’s house, but things got complicated and it all when down the tube.
So what to do this weekend?
Today I went to buy a few books at the bookstore and I only got 5 books and I kid you not, the total was $187…. I could have bought dinner for the next three weeks with that kind of money. But I need those books to start practicing.
I spent about three hours in the practice rooms today and I realized that everything I learned last semester about piano, voice and theory (including sight reading) is gone. I am struggling to sing C4 (C above middle C), my breathing is not right, I am not able to read music as fast as last semester, and my hands don’t move as they did last semester. I was very disillusioned with my talent, but I guess that’s what happen when you don’t practice during the summer. Now the only thing I can do is try to relearn everything and apply it ASAP because I need to get better. I have relearned all the music for Men’s Choral as 2nd tenor, and it doesn’t seem like I will have any problem with voice lesson seeing that I will have the same teacher this semester.
I also found out that I did not make it into Chamber Singer but its ok….. seeing that I’m struggling as it is, I don’t need another repertoire of music for another choir.
Until Next Time
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