Dirty Dishes
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Ok I know that we all leave dishes in the sink for a few days, a week tops, but two of my roommates are so irresponsible that we have had dishes in the sink for over Two Months!!!
One of them has a man crush on the other and can’t do wrong. I hate living like this. The other is a bio major but if he really was he wouldn’t just leave his food in the fridge for weeks on end.
Good news; I am spending time away and just chilling at my house this weekend and I really don’t care anymore. There are only a few more weeks in the semester before one of them gets married and I won’t see him anymore ever, he’s on a very short leash. And the other, don’t get me started with the other.
Bad news; I have once again put my music major on the line. This is the third time I have done this. I really want this to be God’s decision and not mine. I am still considered a 1st semester Sophomore because I started in January of 2005 so this might just be the last time I do this because after this there is no turning back.
Well midterms are over, class are ok. Christine is on the other side of the world and I will hopefully be living in Alosta Place next year. Which will be chill and cool and the same time, the only problem is that I would like to have two more chill roommates. But there is still time to figure everything out.
Until then
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