Just Out of Curiosity
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The past few days I have posted a few blogs that have been “borrowed” from other sources. I’ve done this very few times in the past. The first was from Gizmodo and was posted on my personal blog with Creative Commons compliance. Some uproar came up from people that frequent said site calling it a blatant plagiarism, on Facebook. This went on for three days with many taking time away from their “busy” schedules of practicing and term paper writing as the school semester draws to a close.
Second was not. It was specifically posted on Facebook, limited to those in a certain network. This post was more obscured, but in less than two hours people where already going at it.
“…the fact that something is on the internet does not mean that it is in the public domain.”
wrote Faith Hefty1
The post was from Aubrey Sabala, of digg fame (Some-what of social media celebrity and overall awesome person) personal blog. Specifically, “Don’t Ask, Just Tell“.
I’ve been blogging for awhile now. I think I know what blogging etiquette is. Example are as follows; here, here, and most recently here. As you can see, I gave credit where credit is due. In the 4 years of blogging there are only three post that need to be cited. Mainly because I try to convey my own thoughts unto my posts, even though my writing isn’t that great. There’s also the possibility of being caught, if one where to plagiarize. You can discredit someone or help protect your blog content by following these steps found here.
Why post someone else’s work, if I know this?
Curiosity and boredom. There really isn’t another reason why I did it.
The first post brought up people accusation of stealing copyrighted material. I, in a civil manner, admitted that I had borrowed from Gizmodo. Then was accused of plagiarism. Ultimately I had to go to the Creative Commons to prove what I had done was fair use, per their copyright license.
But something very curious arose from this. For one, it seems like even though you don’t tag people on your notes they still read them, even those you haven’t talked to in years (or ever). Second, are you really as busy as you say?
Most people that commented claim to busy with homework and practicing (as most of them are music majors). It seems like people are just not that good at managing their time. Could these individuals be online wasting time and then talk about how busy they really are? Don’t get me wrong… these are one of the brightest and most talented musicians at the school. Or maybe they are good at managing their time and are able to have civil discussion about someone they know is using someone elses work.
I’m not attacking anyone as I am/was the same. When I was in school, I spent hours ignoring papers, going out instead of practicing. Pull an all nighter because during the day I was hung out with people.
The blog I “riped-off” had very serious points, about technology, about dating, about our identity online, and even the use of copyrighted material on the internet was brought up because of it. It brought up good points. I would like to write about them but there are better suited people to write about the effect of technology on ones life. Things that people posting online should talk about more freely and openly. I could go on how social networks might be seen as a waste of time, but I don’t think I am adequently informed(or good enough writer and bias) to make a stance. Also, there’s already better suited and worded publications out there that would do the same.
One comment really caught my eye… it was from Mas,
“…the end of nostalgia.”2
Personally never thought about that way and it’s a great observation. Even though he did not cite his source. 😉
If you visit my personal blog, you see that there is no Creative Commons. Gave credit to the creator to the theme I’m using (lower right corner). I moded it to my liking but other than that there’s nothing. I believe that if you post things online it becomes public domain. Even though by law it is copyrighted once its written. Anyone in the world can see. I do respect copyright, as you’ve seen.
1. “Don’t Ask, Just Tell.” Facebook . Comment #4. 23 Apr. 2009 http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/note.php?note_id=74948513739&comments.
2. “Don’t Ask, Just Tell.” Facebook . Comment #7. 23 Apr. 2009 http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/note.php?note_id=74948513739&comments
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