So, New York….
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It has been some time since I was here. I was here for Spring Break but it was more because Christine was in coma and I had a job here. It was originally for fun and had many things planned but to my surprise I was here for someone I really care for, and I dare to say, Love, in a hospital room with tubes and wires all over her body. Then I still had to work a on a project which later I was sued on but that’s beside the point. The trip ended my relationship in a way. It ended because I can’t move back here. I study in LA, Christine is a very talented pianist and attends Julliard.
So why am I saying this? Last time I was here, I went to Julliard to thank some of the professors for their “get well” cards and support. I was told that there was a spot open to study in their very exclusive audio/recording engineering department. (I got in back in the summer of 2004 but turned them down and decided for another path in my studies… which in turn lead me to APU, same curriculum, different attitude, faith centered.) I told them that I was already at school with a great Music program. They where actually impressed because they recognize the school and the school of music.
This time, once more, I got a call from Julliard telling that if I choose to return they will accept me, no questions asked.
I’m not saying that I am just a great engineer that I deserve this or that I am so grand and that I have friends in high places. Quite the contrary. In most of my blogs I second guess myself all the time, I say that I am good, average, the people around me make the work make the project better.
Once again, I have to decide if this is what God want me to do. It can be a great thing, being close to Christine again. Being able to experience the New York lifestyle once more. Being in a different atmosphere and taking charge in a different city. But it can also screw everything up.
This is just some of the stuff that has been happening since I got here. I will write more tomorrow. I need to get some sleep because tomorrow is a big day, fittings, other stuff of the wedding, and dinner rehearsal. Maybe a bachelor party?
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