Homesick? Kind of?
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I’m not going to lie, I really enjoy New York. I moved here back when I was only 17 and this where I learned a lot what I know and this where I started my career as an audio engineer, but I just got here and I want to be back home. This is really odd for me, you have no clue.
I was working today and I just realize it was WWDC, a very important day for apple freaks, which I fess up to be one. Then came the second guessing your actions and life. By the end of the recording session I had finished mixing and adding effect to one and a half songs, this out three that I have to do. If I keep this pace I can finish tomorrow and have time to do something before the rehearsal dinner, the play and the wedding. To make things kind of hurt, the recording studio just ordered three Mac Pros and I won’t be able to play with them. I want one but its one of those or paying for the apartment.
I had lunch at Sorentino’s with Tim Huffy, the producer and writer of this one play. I met him a few years back and help him on a project. A few months ago I heard he was looking for a young girl to star in his play, I jumped at the chance to find someone so I asked the only two girls that I thought would have liked to do this and have a passion and the $2,000 finders fee was also a good motivation. So I asked Kelsey and Adri if they wanted to audition. They both seemed interested but I only got a voice demo from Kelsey but by that time the spot had been filled.
It seems odd to be here because I am in a hotel room. I usually stayed with my cousin or at Christine’s but I didn’t want to be a burden on my cousin so close to his wedding. Christine and I are still friends but we have history and wounds still need to be healed; she believes I might stay here in New York. Add to that I am not staying at my normal hotel. Usually I stay in the Plaza but its being remodeled, part or it are becoming condos and others are going to become shops. So I just lost my room with a view of central park. I’m in the Millennium Hilton. Where I worked day shifts back when I first moved here and it right across from Ground Zero.
So there you have it. If you read this, you’ll have more to read tomorrow seeing that I really want to be back and just go back to school. There’s less drama and I could see my friends again. Life will once again seem normal. Whatever that means?
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