And Things Are Still Busy
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Things in my life are always either to slow or I can’t even take a breather in between sentences. Two weeks ago I celebrated my Birthday with a few friends hitting up Denver and white river rafting. It was so sweet. This was my second time doing this and that was about three years ago. Me and five of my closes friends set off to Colorado on a mission to raft class 4 and 5 rapids and we did.
But it doesn’t end there from Denver we flew to Lake Tahoe to spend some time at a friends timeshare, so yeah it was sweet. Tahoe is a very nice place to live and vacation. From there I had to hurry back on Thursday to get to my younger sister’s culmination (out of middle school on to high school) but I wasn’t able to be there until the end. I rushed to the airport and got on another plane, this time a jet and the next stop Stockholm, Sweden.
As some might know I love soccer and every 4 years there is a great soccer tournament call the World Cup. Well it was held this year and in Germany…. you get what I’m saying. Well I wasn’t able to go. As most of my trips, this was a business one, another recording conference. Four days in a country that I know nothing about, can’t read anything, much less speak the language, but I survived.
I got back on the 3rd just with enough time to crash and get a few hours of sleep before heading to a great place near home, Catalina. There is where I spent the 4th of July. It was sweet and different.
And now I am back at work with a huge project and It doesn’t seem that I will have a lot of time to update this blog with everything I do. I’m sorry but there is only so much one can do every day.
Oh… by the way I have I found this site that seems like Flickr but its better for my needs.
It’s caller Zooomr and has pretty cool stuff. Check it out. and here is a pic of Colorado

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