Random Thoughts


I’ve been back in the States since Thursday. Sadly I was not able to work in in Boston because of some problem between the recording studio and the band I was suppose to record. In light of that I decided to take the train into New York and just have an impromptu trip on Friday. […]

So Far in Madrid

I apologize for my lack of writing these past few weeks. I’ve been somewhat pre-occupied with the festivities of Claudia’s 21st birthday and getting out to Spain for work. There’s really not much to say of what I’ve been doing the past few weeks other than celebrating Claudia’s 21st birth and getting to Spain for […]

The Pursuit of Happiness

After two weeks in Boston I came back home today. While I was there I reflected on life, finances, friends, my spirituality, and various aspects of my career and choices I have made through out the year. During the time there I was able to visit one of the greatest schools of music in the […]

Review and Remorse

As the year comes to an end I have contemplating my choices I have made through out the year, the people I have stayed in contact with, the people I have dated, the things I have done and have not done. Changing subjects, I was confronted by a person today for what he called “being […]

Christmas in Boston

At the time being I am in Boston with friends celebrating the holidays and I would like to take this time to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and to all a good night.