Random Thoughts

Fresh Coat of Paint

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As you might be able to see the blog has gotten a new coat of paint. It’s been a few years since the last time the blog has revamped, appearance wise, and this it. This revamp is a courtsy of Derek Punsalan. He re-coded the Unstandard theme I was originally using to make use of  Wordpress 3.0+ features while it making it much more elegant and powerful.


Many of the changes are in the backend and you might not see all the changes. A few of the changes you will be able to see the site loading faster and it’s much more cross-platform friendly (except of IE 6, it need to die)

Another is the ability to serve up video in any format to you browser, be it on desktop of mobile. It will automtically serve you with the optimized version for your platform. All this powered by Vid.ly.

Without further ado: the first video that will take advantage of the new video engine:

Joel Simpson at the Wango Tango Break Out Star Competition at City Walk


For mobile users use this link


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