Random Thoughts

And Things Are Still Busy

Things in my life are always either to slow or I can’t even take a breather in between sentences. Two weeks ago I celebrated my Birthday with a few friends hitting up Denver and white river rafting. It was so sweet. This was my second time doing this and that was about three years ago. […]

Surprise! You’re Getting Married, Today

Its been a while since I have written because frankly I haven’t had time to do anything but go to school and plan a wedding. ***Warning*** guys should not plan weddings Remember a few post back about my friends getting engage and not telling me. Well, it seems I was actually the first person he […]

Times are Changing

I know its late but I can’t sleep. I have just been chilling this entire weekend. There was little homework and I have already learned most of my new music for men’s choral. I was every impressed with myself that I am able to sight read most of it and it sounds pretty decent. But […]

Merry Christmas

As the end comes to an end I am reminded of the things that have happened this entire year. Some of these things were happy some were sad. Most people take these two last weeks of the year to spend with family and reflect on the year…. and I have been contemplating over this year…. […]

Christ-Centered Philosophy

Thursday night my roommates , Jonathan and myself were talking about school and how our university is a liberal studies university and we have to take all these courses that don’t really apply to our major (I have to take music classes I that will never ever use like singing and being in a choir […]