Random Thoughts

To Clarify

Last time I wrote a small post before boarding a plane for a trip to celebrate my birthday. In said post I vaguely explained that I had called something off. A select handful of people knew what it was about while others didn’t. To shed some light on the situation I will share a bit […]

Flying Away

I broke it off… If you understand this good, if not, it is no longer relevant. There has been a few personal dilemmas that I have had to deal with in the past few months. But I came to the realization that I can’t be what others want me to be. I am current at […]


After a few days in the hospital after an adverse side-effect from mixing medications added to the pressures of overworking myself, I’ve been home on mandated vacation. With this vacation I have a lot of extra time on my hands and nothing really to do. Trying to remedy that, I decided to write by hand. […]

Where Do You See Yourself in Ten Years?

I find it odd, even strange that every time I meet adults this question usually comes up “Where do you see yourself in ten years?” In the past week I’ve been asked this question several times. I dislike it… As an ex-planner I thought I knew where I wanted to go. But things changes and […]

What I’m Thankful For

In the past few weeks things have been become a bit more difficult, with drama and the losing of one my closest friend, Claudia. Not in the sense that she past way, more in the sense that that we can no longer just be friends; she wanted more. Sadly, I am in no position to […]

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving and enjoys it with Family, Friends and, loved ones. May you spend this time in reflection of the year, pondering on the new friends one has made at school and through out life. Take care everyone. Have a great time not worrying about school or life and just […]

Spain, A Letter That Has Changed My Life

This was hand written through out five days. It expresses my feelings, emotions and my brokenness through out my encounter in Madrid. It is written in chronological order and some of it will not make sense to you but it will for me. I will try to be as clear as can be. Day One- […]

Spain, Uncle, and His Letter

I’m short on time, so I’ll be brief. Spain is amazing, I had been here before but that was like ten years ago. I love my cousins, they’re amazing. I love that I was forced to speak Spanish, and now I have a very Spaniard accent, at least for a day or two. I really […]

The Mess Called My Mind

During the past few day my mind has been doing overtime. It seems like I can’t stop thinking, and so much stuff is happening. This weekend I will try to relax as much as I can because next week will be hectic, for one Final Cut Auditions will be taking a lot of my time. […]

Considering More Changes

In the last few days I have getting a lot of flak because my “relationship” with Laura. Mainly people are looking down at me because I’m a Junior involved with a Freshman; it sounds worst than it really is. She’s 18 and very mature for her age and then other reason is that we are […]